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This is the main function of marquee. It takes a vector of markdown strings, parses them with the provided style, and returns a grob capable of rendering the parsed text into rich text and (possibly) images. See marquee_parse() for more information about how markdown is parsed and see details below for further information on how rendering proceeds.


  style = classic_style(),
  ignore_html = TRUE,
  force_body_margin = FALSE,
  x = 0,
  y = 1,
  width = NULL,
  default.units = "npc",
  hjust = "left",
  vjust = "top",
  angle = 0,
  vp = NULL,
  name = NULL



Either a character vector or a marquee_parsed object as created by marquee_parse()


A style set such as classic_style() that defines how the text should be rendered


Should HTML code be removed from the output


Should the body margin override margin collapsing calculations. See Details.

x, y

The location of the markdown text in the graphics. If numeric it will be converted to units using default.units


The width of each markdown text. If numeric it will be converted to units using default.units. NULL is equivalent to the width of the parent container. NA uses the width of the text as the full width of the grob and will thus avoid any soft breaking of lines.


A string giving the default units to apply to x, y, and width


The horizontal justification of the markdown with respect to x. Can either be a numeric or one of "left", "left-ink", "center", "center-ink", "right-ink", or "right"


The vertical justification of the markdown with respect to y. Can either be a numeric or one of "bottom", "bottom-ink", "last-line", "center", "center-ink", "first-line", "top-ink", "top"


The angle of rotation (in degrees) around x and y


An optional viewport to assign to the grob


The name for the grob. If NULL a unique name will be generated


A grob of class marquee


marquee is first and foremost developed with the new 'glyph' rendering features in 4.3.0 in mind. However, not all graphics devices supports this, and while some might eventually do, it is quite concievable that some never will. Because of this, marquee has a fallback where it will render text as a mix of polygons and rasters (depending on the font in use) if the device doesn't report 'glyphs' capabilities. The upside is that it works (almost) everywhere, but the downside is that the fallback is much slower and with poorer visual quality. Because of this it is advisable to use a modern graphics device with glyphs support if at all possible.

Rendering style

The rendering more or less adheres to the styling provided by marquee_parse(), but has some intricacies as detailed below:

Tight lists

If a list is tight, the bottom margin of each li tag will be set so the spacing matches the lineheight. Further, the top margin will be set to 0.

Block images

In markdown, image tags are span elements so they can be placed inline. However, if an image tag is the only thing that is contained inside a p tag marquee determines that it should be considered a block element. In that case, the parent p element inherits the styling from the image element so that the image can e.g. adhere to align properties, or provide their own padding.

Horizontal rulers

These elements are rendered as an empty block. The standard style sets a bottom border size and no size for the other sides.

Margin collapsing

Margin calculations follows the margin collapsing rules of HTML. Read more about these at mdn. Margin collapsing means that elements with margin set to 0 might end up with a margin. Specifically for the body element this can be a problem if you want to enforce a tight box around your text. Because of this the force_body_margin argument allows you to overwrite the margins for the body element with the original values after collapsing has been performed.

Underline and strikethrough

Underlines are placed 0.1em below the baseline of the text. Strikethrough are placed 0.3em above the baseline. The width of the line is set to 0.075em. It inherits the color of the text. No further styling is possible.

Spans with background

Consecutive spans with the same background and border settings are merged into a single rectangle. The padding of the span defines the size of the background.

Bullet position

Bullets are placed, right-aligned, 0.25em to the left of the first line in the li element if the text direction is ltr. For rtl text it is placed, left-aligned, 0.25 em to the right of the first line.

Border with border radius

If borders are not the same on all sides they are drawn one by one. In this case the border radius is ignored.

Image rendering

The image tag can be used to place images. There are support for both png, jpeg, and svg images. If the path instead names a grob, ggplot, or patchwork object then this is rendered instead. If the file cannot be read, if it d oesn't exist, or if the path names an object that is not a grob, ggplot or patchwork, a placeholder is rendered in it's place (black square with red cross).

Image sizing

There is no standard in markdown for specifying the size of images. By default, block-level images fill the width of it's container and maintain it's aspect ratio. Inline images have a default width of 0.65em and a height matching the aspect ration.

However, if you wish to control sizing, you can instead provide the image as a grob with a viewport with fixed dimensions, in which case this will be used as long as the width doesn't exceed the width of the container (in which case it will get downsized). If a rastergrob is provided without absolute sizing, the aspect ratio will match the raster, otherwise the aspect ratio will be taken from the styling of the element (defaults to 1.65)

Table rendering

While marquee does not support the extended table syntax for markdown it does allow you to include tables in the output. It does so by supporting gt objects as valid paths in image tags in the same way as ggplots etc. This meeans that you can style your tables any way you wish and with the full power of gt, which is much more flexible than the markdown table syntax.

Textbox justification

The justification options exceeds the classic ones provided by grid. While numeric values are available as always, the number of possible text values are larger. Horizontal justification add "left-ink", "center-ink", and "right-ink" which uses the left-most and right-most positioned glyph (or halfway between them) as anchors. Vertical justification has the equivalent "bottom-ink", "center-ink", and "top-ink" anchors, but also "first-line" and "last-line" which sets the anchor at the baseline of the first or last line respectively.